09 September 2005


These past few days my skys looks black and my life is so dull. I feel lost i dont know what it is but im not just me...there is something wrong but i have no idea what it is..i slept today alot and i keep sleeping specially when ive got nothing to do and im bored...my mind feels like its in a state or boredom...sleeping is the only place where i feel like i can relax my head hurts from all the thoughts that pass by in my mind all the time...im such a worryer wish i cud chill for one day at least.....what to do ....what to do...when ur life feels empty and nothing else to do...


Baroque said...

cuddle up with a good old book, or watch DVD's 24/7.. atleast u'll forget your life for a couple of hours.. ;) la2 seriously do something new, try a new sport, hobby... and if all else fails.. keep reading my blog :P~

Anonymous said...

yeah, find a new hobby.. but im not telling u sleeping all day is not good.. its awesome and enjoy it while u can.. but if u want something to do, i suggest these options:
1. take a loooooong drive
2. go buy a stack of comic books (even if u dont like them now) u wont resist reading them all and ull realize 3 hours have passed
3. take out a note book and try to draw ur family in a cartoonish way.. even if ur not good, u laugh at what u created.. dont stop til uve drawn them all..
4. look for new things online to add to ur blog.. things like that clock uve got there..


ITACHI said...

its summer as usual...

school well start soon...
So hang out till then.. :)

Nice blog...

sweetd said...

thanx people for giving me a few ideas! well ive been quite busy these past few days so i havent been feeling the same:)yep uni will start in a few days this sat! so i dont think ill be as bored...thanx anookie,charisma,trlale, bos3od and itachi!...