I'm VERY against joining FACEBOOK...It's a "haba" in Kuwait...I was asked to join it from the first time it came out..and I didn't...My reasons were I didn't want people to track me down...Paranoia I guess..What do you guys think?..Then everyone would know me in Kuwait :P and find out that I blog..specially people I do not want :P...or that hate me...why am I so WEIRD!!...Another reason I don't like it is the fact that I feel it's for people to show off with...nothing more...I can understand keeping track of people..but in Kuwait people might mis-use it..like take your pics..Why would you want people to know who your friends are???...Someone tried to convince me to join..I wouldn't...even if I could just to join with a nick name have no pic...:P I'm sooooo different ..and hateeeee following people!! PLUS bad experiance with interenet...people can STALK YOU!..AHHH...It's a *CONSPIRACY..watch out;)
I'm thinking of making my own cult against this site and call it"NOTO FACEBOOK- We need not to know out past, present, and FUTURE!"..
*Agreement between two or more persons to commit an unlawful act or to accomplish a lawful end by unlawful means.
some people, like myself, like i cz you actually stay in touch w/friends who you hardly see, or who study aboard or long lost summer camp friends.. it's useful for me and more fun to know what they've been up.. oo 3ala il security reasons, no1 can see my pic except my friends.. and no one can other than my friends, can look at my friends...
bs i think my bff's would very much join you in your anti facebook club ;p
don't have many friends and the ones i lost touch with are usually the ones i want to lose touch with so it's not really my thing ;p
facebook sucks ;p
Ahh, I wouldn't use facebook myself I guess... I can't c why we would care to protest it tho.. its there some ppl r not paranoid.. let them get slapped in the face every once and a while
but.. am really intrigued u found it important to define conspiracy ;p What kinda audience were u catering for?
Peony: yeah keeping in touch is good....yeah about the pics things...ur best frineds? hehe yeay people agree
Nomad: hehe..good one:P yeayyyyyyyyy another agreer
Vinnie: i dont know..i just felt like it:) yeah u dont use it too!! cool cool!
if you're not a creepo, you can have you facebook viewed only by friends that you have accepted. I don't add people i dont know personally.
snookie: hmmm...I guess..
Not a big fan of facebook but its cheaper then calling people back in the states.
hehe...yeah maybe!
I found some friends who I lost touch with, usually high school friends and neighbors! I don't use it much really, but I do have a profile there, so my use is very limited!
:)...I know its got good aspects...:)
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